Why I Always Bring Home a Souvenir When I Travel

Why I Always Bring Home a Souvenir When I Travel

Vacations are meant to be an escape from your everyday routine. You need to break up the monotony, do things you would never normally do and find ways that help you truly relax. Relaxation is something that’s increasingly hard to find in 2018 with terrible stories on the news and social media, or the thinning of the walls between career time and personal time.


Don’t you wish you could just bottle up that carefree smile and warm, happy mood from when you were 50 miles out in the Ocean on that cruise to the Caribbean last month?

This is the reason why I ALWAYS bring home a souvenir whenever I travel.  It’s human nature to fall right back into your comfort zone and daily routines and we don’t even realize that this phase is completely optional!

After every vacation, I feel rejuvenated, I have more energy, I have grander ideas and overall, I’m a much more positive person. But like all good things, this evens out in time. What I have learned is that when I’m feeling my energy getting low, it’s always great to look up and see that pair of shoes that I couldn’t leave New York without.

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Souvenirs are a tangible, physical reminder that 3 weeks 5 days and 2 hours ago you said “I hope this never ends!” Souvenirs don’t have to be a snow globe or keychain with a national landmark on it, sometimes the best ones are everyday things that you’ve always wanted but just decided right there in Italy…” I deserve this!” and that’s an empowering thought.

Bring that scarf home and let it remind you everyday “I deserve this!” When you just get home from a long day at work or maybe you just dropped your morning coffee all over your lap… recall your last souvenir and allow it to fill you with that carefree smile and happy mood again. Hold on to those good feelings every day with a constant, visual reminder that “I deserve this!”


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